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UberBEAN - for the coffee lover











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Last Video Upload - Dec 5, 2022

NEWS!  --> Metalycee IT IS NOT has been voted one of the top ten Austrian "Pop/Rock/Electronic/HipHop" albums of the decade - link!

Click to view Upcoming CD & Music Performance Schedule  for Melita with Metalycee

U p c o m i n g  A c t i n g  &  M u s i c  P e r f o r m a n c e s





Click here to view upcoming Acting Performances

NEWS!  -->

Melita is nominated for her second

HELPMANN AWARD for her performance in


at Melbourne Theatre Company. [OFFICIAL]

Follow Metalycee

on Facebook

click here!

New Show Reel - MAD MAX  -  FURY ROAD - Link.

Mae West meets Diane Arbus in Arbus & West

In 1964, American film star, writer and sex symbol, Mae West was visited by legendary photographer Diane Arbus. What transpired during their photo shoot is the stuff of Hollywood legend and glitterati gossip. Step behind the scenes of this infamous meeting in Arbus & West, opening this week at Arts Centre Melbourne.

Posted by Melbourne Theatre Company on Tuesday, 19 February 2019

D i d  y o u  m i s s  t h e s e  p e r f o r m a n c e s ?

UberBEAN - for a true coffee flavour!